Seattle Public Library Design Sessions
Find inspiration by reviewing plans, notes, templates and miro boards from the Seattle Public Library’s pilot VRtality program.
Lesson Plans
Session #1: VR Chat Avatars & Movement
Session #2: Exploring VR Chat Spaces
Session #3: Exploring Mozilla Hubs
Session #4: Promoting Teen Mental Health
Session #5: Beat Saber & VR Interaction
Design Sprints – *Lessons plans are not available for Design Sprints; the sprint is the plan. See Miro boards below.*
Session #6: 3D Painting & Core Ideas
Session #7: VR Design in CoSpaces Edu
Session #8: VR Game Mechanics
Session #9: SideQuest Prep
Session #10: Install & Test VR Build
Session #11: Playtesting VR Experience
Session #12: SPL VR Launch Party
Miro Boards
Session #1: VR Chat Avatars & Movement
Session #4: Promoting Teen Mental Health
Session #5: Beat Saber & VR Interaction
SPL Design Sprint #1
Design Sprint #2
Session #6: 3D Painting & Core Ideas
Session #7: VR Design in CoSpaces Edu
Session #8: VR Game Mechanics
Session #9: SideQuest Prep
Session #10: Install & Test VR Build
Session #11: Playtesting VR Experience
Session #12: SPL VR Launch Party
SPL Design Session Road Map
Field Notes
Design Session #1: Exploring VR Chat
Design Session #2: VR Chat Avatars/Movement
Design Session #3: Exploring Mozilla Hubs
Design Session #4: Designing in Mozilla Hubs VR
Design Session #5: Beat Saber & VR Interaction
Design Sprints
Design Session #6: 3D Painting
Design Session #7: VR Space Design
Design Session #8: VR Game Mechanics
Design Session #9: SideQuest Prep
Design Session #10: Install & Test VR Build
Design Session #11: Playtesting VR
Design Session #12: SPL VR Launch Party
Miro Templates
Session #1 Template: VR Chat Avatars & Movement
Session #4 Template: Promoting Teen Mental Health
Session #5 Template: Beat Saber & VR Interaction
Design Sprint Template (3-Hours)
Session #6 Template: 3D Painting & Core Ideas
Session #7 Template: VR Design in CoSpaces Edu
Session #8 Template: VR Game Mechanics
Session #9 Template: SideQuest Prep
Session #10 Template: Install & Test VR Build
Session #11 Template: Playtesting VR Experience
Session #12 Template: SPL VR Launch Party